As a concerned community member, I have attended nearly every WLWV School Board meeting for the last two years. You can watch all my public statements on my YouTube page.

Kara’s Platform
As your Position 1 representative to the WLWV School Board, I will bring three important values: vision, community and accountability.
I believe that our public schools are for everyone. They should provide a safe and welcoming environment where all kids can thrive.
I believe that children should receive the necessary supports to grow and learn alongside their peers.
I believe that in these challenging times, the district needs to think outside of the box. This is not the time for the status quo as districts face unprecedented challenges.
I believe that investing in our public schools is an investment in the future of our community.
I believe that we should invest in our teachers and staff and make sure their voices are heard. I would like to appoint a board member to be a representative in all teacher’s union negotiations so that all levels of the district are represented.
I believe Community voices should be heard. Decisions about our schools must include input from parents, teachers, and students. Opening up dialogue between parents and schools can improve educational outcomes. I would like to reinstate Site Councils of teacher and parent representatives in every school building to actively work on the school improvement plans.
I believe the most meaningful and responsive way to support better outcomes for our children in special education is to create a Special Education Advisory Committee of parents to advise the board on policy that would best support the diverse needs of this at-risk population.
I believe that transparency and accountability matter. Families and educators deserve open communication and responsible leadership.
I believe that academic data should be shared regularly and publicly at district board meetings. This transparency is essential for improving practices to produce better results.
I believe that we need to improve financial stewardship to weather unpredictable financial streams. We need to establish the financial baseline needed to meet educational standards so that we can manage uncertain future federal and state financing.
I believe that we have the responsibility to put in the work to get every child performing at grade level standards. We are a long way from there, but we owe this to our kids.